
1. 请仔细填写下面的表格

如果你是通过 Mimeo, Youtube 或是Youku 提交影片的,你要在表格中写上影片的链接。

2. 提交费用 (截至日期:7/31/2023。特别延长日期: 8/31/2023)

主题影片和纪录片 (60-120分钟)

—$50 (12/31/22) —$70 (3/31/23)  _$80 (5/31/23) _$90 (6/31/23) _$100(7/31/23) _$120 (特别延长期 8/31/23)

短片: (59 分钟)

—$40 (12/31/22) —$50 (3/31/23)  _$60 (5/31/23) _$70 (6/31/23) _$80(7/31/23) _$100 (特别延长期 8/31/23)


1. 支票: 抬头请写“SFNCFF” 连同表格一起寄至:表格在这里下载

SFNCFF   4479 Mission St.,   San Francisco CA 94112.

2. 转账:

Chase Bank, JPMorgan Chase Bank,    N.A.Swift Code: Chasus33     www.Chase.com

San Francisco International New Concept Film Festival Account: 322271627:555313779

银行地址: Chase Bank,101 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: 415-951-1997

3.  我们使用 Zelle 网上软件来接受申请人的付款,请使用 zellepay.com,将相应的款汇至 sfnewfilm@gmail.com 账户。

Film Submission Form
By submitting, the person submitting the enclosed Entry to SFNCFFindicated that he/she holds all the rights for the submission of the Entry and for the granting of all rights granted to SFNCFF herein and that he/she has read, understads and agrees to pay entry fees and granting SFNCFF to exhibit at cinema or edit the submitted films, posters and photos for promotional usage for SFNCFF.


4479 Mission Street,
San Francisco, CA 94112

Phone:    1-(415) 672-2809
Email:    sfnewfilmentry@gmail.com

SFNCFF cooperates with American Art Institute

SFNCFF China Marketing Office : sfnewfilm@163.com;WeiChat ID:  SFNCFF

SFNCFF China Southwest Branch: Lead Qiyu Liao. WeiChat ID: wxid_2nhsv0nxl73112