2018 旧金山国际新概念电影节颁奖活动

2018 旧金山国际新概念电影节获奖名单

Feature Film Awards


1. Best Feature Film Gold Award


2. Best Feature Film Silver Award

One Hundred Years Of Love《爱+100年》(China)

3. Best Feature Film Bronze Award

Little Sami 傣乡童话 (China)

4. Best Musical Film

The Island of Doctor Moron (Australia)

5. Best Comedy Film

Nice To Meet You Dad《幸会了爸爸》(China)

6. Best Humanity Film

Love For Mountain《穿越爱》(China)

7. Best Vietnamese Film

Here Comes The Sun O Day Co Nang (Vietnam)

8. Excellent Vietnamese Horror Film


9. Excellent Vietnamese Comedy Film

200 POUND BEAUTY Sac Dep Ngan Can (Vietnam)

10. Excellent Feature Film

Follow My Heart《别在村前等我》 (China)

11. Excellent Feature Film

Lost In Apocalypse《末世人间道》 (China)

12. Excellent Feature Film

Lose Voice《失声》 (China)

13. Excellent Comedy

BFF Courier 《極品闺蜜》 (Hong Kong)

14. Best Horror Film Director

“ACTRESS WANTED” Minh Duc Nguyen (Vietnam)

15. Best Director

Little Sami 傣乡童话”_Jiang, Yunmin 姜运民 (China)

16. Excellent Director

“Nice To Meet You Dad”《幸会了爸爸》 Gao Shang 高尚 (China)

17. Excellent Director

The Commitment”《麦子的盖头》 Jian Lu 鲁坚 (China)

18. Excellent Director

“The Story of a Closestool” 《马桶上的甜蜜生活》Xu, Buming 徐步明 (China)

Narrative Short Film Awards


1. Best Narrative Short Film

Minor Turbulence (USA)

2. Excellent Short Film


3. Best Student Short Film

Black Swamp《黑泽》 (USA)

4. Excellent Short Film

Suburban Jungle (USA)

5. Excellent Short Action Film

The Kite Under The Rain Canh Dieu Mua

6. Excellent Short Film

Fireman 《红门兄弟田正军》(China)

7. Excellent Short Film

Keep Your Peace of Mind 《守住心底的宁静》 (China)

8. Excellent Short Horror Film

Billy’s Bear (USA)

9. Excellent Student Short Film

The Invisible Superman (China)

10. Excellent Student Short Film

The Clarinetist 《午夜乐手》 (USA)

11. Excellent Student Short Film

Chopped (USA)

12. Excellent Feature Film

Lose Voice《失声》 (China)

Actor and Actress Awards


1. Excellent Vietnamese Actress

Here Comes The Sun O Day Co Nang Nguyen, Do Quynh Chi (Vietnam)

2. Best New Leading Actress

Nice To Meet You Dad《幸会了爸爸》Ma,Jingyao 马婧瑶 (China)

3. Excellent Leading Actress

The Commitment《麦子的盖头》Xu Cenzi 徐岑子 (China)

4. Best Gongfu Actor

The Kite Under The Rain Canh Dieu Mua, Dan Nguyen (Vietnam)

5. Best Leading Actress

“Fire and Ashes, Making the Ballet RakU” Yuanyuan Tan 谭元元 (USA)

6. Best Leading Actor

“The Commitment”《麦子的盖头》Wang Ting 王挺 (China)

Animation Film Awards


1. Best Animation Narrative Film

Cupid’s Paradise (USA)

2. Excellent Animation 2D Film

El Marinero y La Sirena (USA)

3. Excellent Animation 2D Film

CAT NOIR (Germany)

Documentary Awards


1. Best Documentary

Fire and Ashes, Making the Ballet RakU (USA)

2. Best Documentary Director

Fire and Ashes, Making the Ballet RakU, Shirley Sun (USA)

3. Excellent Documentary


4. Excellent Documentary

Johnny do Brasil (Spain)

5. Excellent Documentary

Last Days of Chinatown (USA)

6. Excellent TV Documentary

Vivi in the ValleyVivi 闯硅谷》 (USA)

7. Excellent Stage Design

Galaxy Art Group 2018 Performance 银河少儿剧团2018展演 Kevin Yang

Short Documentary Awards


1. Best Short Documentary

The Life After Tomorrow (China)

2. Excellent Short Documentary

Surfer Dan (USA)

3. Excellent Short Documentary

A Lifetime Older (Ukraine)

4. Excellent Short Documentary

Die Young 家殇 (China)

5. Excellent Short Documentary

Poetic Memory of Miguel Chang 《詩憶米格爾張》 (USA)

6. Excellent Short Documentary

The Fit Generation (Canada)

7. Excellent Short Ballet Documentary

Transcen Dance (USA)

8. Excellent Short Documentary

Child, Disrupted (USA)

9. Excellent Short Documentary

Adnan’s Father / ABU ADNAN (Denmark)

10. Best Minority Short Documentary

Mask 《鬼面子》 (China)

11. Excellent Student Short Documentary

The Woman All Women Once Were (USA)

12. Excellent MC of Stage Performance

Galaxy Art Group 2018 Show, Michelle Zhang

Music Video Awards


1. Best Music Video

Arupu (India)

2. Excellent Music Video

Organum Mathematicum (USA)

3. Excellent Music Video

Tough (China)

4. Best Film Music Composing

Little Sami 傣乡童话, Ye Liu 刘晔 (China)

5. Best Music Composing

Apart, Jolin Zhongyu Jiang (Australia)

6. Excellent Music Composing

TrumpNation (USA)

7. Best MTV Director

Li,Yangming 李洋名, Tough (China)

8. Excellent Student Actor

Yan Jianting 颜健庭 “Tough” (China)

9. Excellent Student Actor

He Haolin 何浩霖 “Tough” (China)

Commercial Awards


1. Best Commercial

Advanced Imagination – CMT Studio 33 (USA)

2. Excellent Commercial

Find Your Wild (USA)

3. Excellent Commercial

Nike Commercial, Jamly Yang (USA)

4. Excellent Student Commercial


Script Awards


1. Excellent English Feature Script

Mysti (USA)

2. Best Chinese Feature Script

A Man and His Horse 《乌梁素海边的兵团岁月》 (USA)

3. Excellent Chinese Feature Script

After My University《我的大学后》 (USA)

4. Excellent English Narrative Script

An Angel Whispers (USA)