2024 “San Francisco Intrnational New Concept Film Festival” Film Show will be online at
November 01, 2024 (0:00AM) to Novermber 10, 2024 (23:59PM).
We will open the website two hours earlier to allow people to buy the membership to enjoy the films.
When you brows the website: http://movie.sfnewfilms.com, right now you will meet the following greeting sign

When we open the website you can see the following greeting message:
Welcome to 2024 11Th San Francisco International New Concept Film Festival Film Show
(Please Buy Your Membership First and Login to Enjoy Films)
1. First click “Join Now” button at the bottom left of this page to suberscribe your
membership level: $50 (Gold), $30 (Silver)
( Gold membership can watch all the films)
(while Silver membership can watch films last no more than an hour)
2. Pay the membership fee.
3. Login to enjoy the films.
4. This Film Festival Show time: 2024-11-01 (0:00AM) to 2024-11-10 (23:59PM)
1. 首先点击本页左下角的“立即加入”按钮订阅您的會員級別
会员级别:50 美元(金卡)、30 美元(银卡)
3. 登录即可欣赏电影。
4. 電影節展映時間:2024-11-01(0:00AM) to 2024-11-10 (23:59PM)
Please look carefully for the words “Join Now”:
When you click “Join Now”, you will be brought to buy membership choice page, follow the page instructions, you will be soon able to enjoy the films.
Here is the website Link: http://movie.sfnewfilms.com or you can click the picture below